Hub Transit Bus

On-Call Bus

The Hub Transit On-Call Bus services urban Sioux Lookout from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding statutory and Civic holidays.

To schedule pick-up from the Hub Transit On-Call Bus, you can call the Transit Coordinator at 807-738-5460 or complete the form below. Someone will respond to confirm your trip information.


Trips must be scheduled by NOON the previous business day. (IE: requested by 11:59 a.m. Wednesday for service on a Thursday morning.)

Any requests made after noon the previous business day may only be fulfilled IF the schedule allows.

If you require a return trip, please estimate the time of that ride as well.

Do you know you will require service days or weeks in advance? Book your On-Call bus now! You do not have to wait until the day before or the week of the ride.

If you schedule changes after booking a ride, please call the Transit Coordinator at 807-738-5460 to cancel as soon as possible.

    Passenger Name:

    Phone Number:

    Date of Trip:
    Pick-up Time:

    Adult Passengers (Minimum of 1):

    Will you have a support person with you?

    Passengers 4 To 12 Years Old:

    Passengers 3 Years Old Or Under:

    Nature of Trip (IE: medical, groceries, pharmacy, etc):

    Pick-Up Address:

    Drop-Off Address:

    Do you have a Hub Transit Disability Card to qualify for discounted fare?
    (Card MUST be shown to driver when boarding the bus.)

    Will you require a return trip later in the day?

    Return Time (estimated):

    Pick-Up Address:

    Drop-Off Address:

    Are you human? Please answer this question: